Dara Jarallah – University of Victoria – Master of Global Business
Dara Jarallah is a social entrepreneur who started Shoppinglee – a social enterprise – while she was pursuing her undergraduate business degree at Ryerson University. She completed a Masters of Global Business (MGB) at the University of Victoria in Canada and an MSc in Business at Montpellier Business School in France, which requires her to live, study and work in Canada, France, and South Korea. She has been a student leader and was able to complete extensive professional work and consultancy assignments. She has a global mindset, high-level cultural adaptability, tolerance and strong communication skills. She received an MGB entrance scholarship to and graduated among the top 10% of students on the Dean’s List. Her student leadership qualified her for awards such as the Slaight New Venture Competition Award, Levy Innovators Fellowship, University-Wide Dennis Mock Student Leadership Award, Tanenbaum Business Scholarship, The Aditya Entrepreneurship Award and many other leadership awards.