The ACE-WIL Awards Committee is responsible for administering the award process for: The Outstanding Contribution Award, The Student of the Year Awards and Industry Partner of the Year Award. This resource pack includes a handbook for organizing the awards as well as the associated nomination forms.
ACE-WIL Awards & Forms
ACE-WIL Awards Committee Handbook
This handbook outlines the deliverables of the Awards Committee and includes instructions for: reviewing and updating award forms, guidelines and frameworks in reaction to changes in WIL in BC, enhancing the effectiveness of the awards to communicate the success of WIL across BC, promoting the... Read More »
ACE-WIL BC /Yukon is looking to recognize students that participated in co-operative education (Co-op) and other forms of work-integrated learning (WIL) and you can help!
The four awards recognize a college and a university student participating in co-operative education, and a college and a university student participating in other forms of work-integrated learning this past year.
Each of the... Learn more »
Using the form below, any ACE-WIL member in good standing may nominate an industry partner for this recognition. The nominated industry partners are reviewed and considered by the ACE-WIL Awards Committee based on their contributions within the past calendar year (2024).
One (1) complete PDF electronic nomination package must be received by 9:00am, Monday, February 24, 2025, via confidential... Learn more »
Using the form below, board members may nominate a practitioner or faculty for this recognition. The nominations are reviewed and considered by the ACE-WIL Awards Committee based on the following criteria:A minimum of three years involvement with ACE-WIL Board or a committee(s);
Significant involvement to projects or outstanding contributions to initiatives that benefit work-integrated... Learn more »