(Recorded on December 7th, 2021)
The Canadian Museums Association delivers two of four Young Canada Works Programs—YCW in Heritage Organizations (YCW-HO) for students returning to school, and YCW at Building Careers in Heritage (YCW-BCH) which supports hiring post-secondary graduates. These programs provide up to 75% of the salary for a student or recent graduate.
Talent MATCH partnered with the Canadian Museums Association to bring you this info session featuring Louise Pitre, the YCW Program Officer for the Canadian Museums Association, who will explain how the program works and how to apply. Note that the application for these programs is due on January 21, 2022.
Want more information? Visit these relevant links:
For info on YCW-HO: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/young-canada-works/employers/heritage-organizations-employers.html
Info on YCW-BCH: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/young-canada-works/employers/careers-heritage-employers.html
Talent MATCH webpage: https://acewilbc.ca/talent-match/
PS Certain YCW Programs are also offered to employers from libraries, archives, arts and culture organizations, and organizations operating in both English and French. To learn more, visit https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/young-canada-works.html.