As an awareness building campaign, Talent MATCH and Talent 4 Non-Profits relied on the partners, the BC Alliance for Arts + Culture, go2HR, and the BC Museums Association to promote the Program and its resources. The partners shared content developed by the Program team to their social media channels and newsletters. This content was also shared through ACE-WIL’s social media.

In addition to the partners, outreach was conducted to umbrella organizations, asking them to share content and invitations to webinars. These organizations included tourism associations across the province, multiple arts sector newsletters, as well as Vantage Point and other non-profit service organizations. The Program also created its own newsletter targeting people who had interacted with the Program since its inception. This targeted newsletter list consisted of 746 email addresses and averaged a 35% open rate.

Before the completion of the Program, the partner organizations were each provided with a communications resource package, which included a suggested annual timeline of newsletter content as well as “evergreen” content to share on social media. The intent is that the partners will continue to promote hiring students to their members on an ongoing basis.

These are just a few of the images the were (and will continue to be) used on social media and to accompany newsletter pieces to promote resources.

Topics: Community Partnerships, Engaging with ACE-WIL Members
License and Distribution: ACE-WIL Copyright
Tags: ads, advertising, promotions, social media, Talent 4 Non-Profits, Talent MATCH, Talent MATCH for Students
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