ACE-WIL’s website has a Post an Opportunity Tool (“tool”) which allows employers to submit jobs to multiple institutions at once. Employers select the institution(s) they would like to send the job posting to and the posting is then automatically forwarded to the email contact(s) for the selected institutions.

It is important to maintain consistency across the BC post-secondary institutions when dealing with postings received through the tool. This leads to benefits such as increasing WIL opportunities for students at your institution and across BC, and building a long-term relationship with the employer.

If you are an email contact for your post-secondary institution, please review the Best Practices and FAQ’s documents by clicking on the links to the right.

If you would like to change institution contact email, or add another contact email, send an email to with your request.

Topics: ACE-WIL Governance, Community Partnerships
License and Distribution: ACE-WIL Copyright
Tags: job board, post an opportunity
Post an Opportunity Best Practices


Post an Opportunity FAQ’s