Selkirk College’s nationally accredited co-op education program is comprised of one to four paid 16-week work terms relating to the students’ field of study. Co-op education fosters partnerships between students, employers, community and institution to bring classroom learning into the workplace. By connecting students with employers, co-op education makes it possible to promote the growth and success of future graduates while bringing new and dynamic ideas to businesses.
Each co-op work term is an optional component.
Selkirk College’s CEWIL accredited program serves students enrolled in the following programs:
- Business Administration Diploma
- Post-Graduate Business Management Diploma
- Post-Graduate Accounting Diploma
Selkirk College’s two-year diploma program at the School of Business provides Accounting/Finance and Management majors with a solid background in the organizational and financial structure of business. Through curriculum articulation agreements, Business Administration graduates from Selkirk College may receive at least two years’ credit toward a four-year Bachelor’s Degree.
Accounting/Finance students develop skills in all areas of financial and managerial accounting, systems analysis and design, auditing, taxation and computer systems and applications. Graduates are awarded significant advance credits towards a professional designation by the Certified General Accountants (CGA), the Certified Management Accountants (CMA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants, School of Business (CASB). These advance credits apply to a number of other designations in industry and government as well.
The Professional Management stream provides students with the tools to function competently in any management environment. Students develop skills in physical resource and operations management, marketing and sales, financial and information systems, computer techniques and applications, and human resource management. A number of advance credits extend to professional designations as well, and an opportunity is provided in second year for students to take elective courses from these professional associations as part of their diploma requirements.