Come join us in collaborating with peers about moving your WIL preparatory curriculum for students online for remote delivery. These will be informal, interactive sessions on Zoom with breakout room for brainstorming and sharing ideas. Bring your questions, inspiration, success stories and challenges to the meeting. Preregistration is required.
Planning the Online Pivot:
- Tuesday, June 16, 12 noon – 1 pm – Part 1: How are you planning to pivot online for the fall term? REGISTER NOW!
- Tuesday, June 30, 12 noon – 1 pm – Part 2: Moving online for mock interviews & clinics REGISTER NOW! Facilitated by Lindsay Wood and Meg Thompson, co-chairs of the Professional Development Committee. “We will have “Spark” style mini-sessions where you can hear from speakers who will share their experiences moving interviews to a virtual environment. Speakers will include a practitioner who successfully moved a mock interview clinic online, a WIL Employer who now interviews students online and a practitioner who supports peer-to-peer virtual interview sessions.”
We look forward to seeing you for these next townhalls!