Join us for the fifth virtual ACE-WIL townhall. You’ve taken care of your family and your students through the COVID-19 crisis. We want to take care of you during this fun townhall!

Two experts will give us tips on self-care: Sarah Chettleburgh, Counsellor, Royal Roads University and Miranda Massie, Workplace Wellbeing Practices & Learning Consultant, UBC. As well, ACE-WIL president, Jennie Nilsson will facilitate open discussion about other hot and trendy topics.

Our Hawaiian theme is sure to put a smile on your face! Come dressed for the occasion and BYOM (bring your own mocktail). Since we want to celebrate YOU, with prizes for participation and attire, registration is required for this free event.

This session will be hosted on Zoom through BC Campus on Tuesday, June 2 between 12 noon and 1 pm. Click here to register, and feel free to pass the details on to others at your institution – program leads, coordinators, and faculty.