Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) is an Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute that is learner-centred and grounded in Indigenous culture, tradition, and knowledge.
As an Indigenous centre for excellence, NVIT empowers learners by strengthening voice and identity through education.
NVIT’s co-operative education and work integrated learning (WIL) programs blend on-campus learning with practical applied learning, enhancing education with career-related work experience before graduation and takes work experience one step further by formally integrating a student’s academic studies with their work experience.
Co-op students alternate study terms with paid, monitored work-terms in professional industry, non-profit, private business, and public sector organizations. At NVIT, students enter Co-op at various points in their education depending on program requirements.
Most NVIT programs incorporate WIL into their academic structure and students have the opportunity to do paid, unpaid or volunteer experiences to gain professional real-life experience prior to graduation.
WIL Contact Information:
Anita Dumont