Capilano University is a teaching-focused university on Vancouver’s North Shore that offers a wide range of programs and services that enable students to succeed in their current studies and their chosen careers, as well as in their contribution as responsible citizens in a rapidly changing and diverse global community.
Work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities reinforce classroom learning by providing students with the chance to test their skills and knowledge in the workplace. At CapU, we have a strong focus on developing multiple avenues for our students to engage in a range of WIL including:
- Academic course-based projects
- Academic course-based design challenges
- Co-op
- Practicum
- Field Work
- Internships/Industry placements
A range of our programs and courses from across CapU have long standing integrated WIL components (see links below). These include both paid and unpaid WIL opportunities for students in discipline relevant workplaces and industry settings.
CapU is dedicated to increasing student WIL opportunities across all faculties and departments. We are currently developing a range of new and re-developed academic courses across the University that seek to engage students in WIL within their course work. The following faculties are looking to connect with outside partners to meaningfully engage students in working collaboratively to solve real world challenges:
- Arts and Sciences
- Education Health and Human Development
- Fine and Applied Arts
- Global and Community Studies (Tourism and Outdoor Recreation)
- Business and Professional Studies
WIL Contact Information:
Capilano University WIL Office