How on earth did I get here? Like most of you, I didn’t set out to be part of a co-op program. Looking back, however, it all makes sense – in reverse.
When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time inside cardboard boxes (willingly, in case you were worried). I longed to have adventures in galaxies unknown and spent weeks creating elaborate space ships and sitting under the stars for hours wishing and willing my little craft upwards. In kindergarten, I learned about astronauts, so naturally chose that as my career goal, but by grade 2, decided I’d better set my sights on a profession closer to home (and reality). That’s when I started exploring counselling psychology and began booking my 7-year-old friends in for their free one-on-one appointments at my home. My parents were very responsive to my requests to buy cookies and juice for my “clients” – which was a major show of support considering we rarely had either in my household. Sadly, we moved away, and I had to shut down my practice. But from then on, I realized that I really enjoyed listening to people and understanding their struggles and their joys.
From those early days until now, my professional and personal life has taken too many twists and turns to recount. But suffice it to say that one experience paved the way for the next until I finally got a short-term contract as a Co-op Coordinator at SFU that led to where I am now. It has been such a great fit for my interests and skills that I feel so lucky to have found this career path. The students, staff, faculty, and employers that we all get to work with keep every day interesting and rewarding.
As I embark on this new chapter in my involvement with ACE-WIL BC/Yukon, in the President-Elect role, it feels like I may get those adventures to unknown galaxies after all. I couldn’t be more excited to embark on this journey alongside the ACE-WIL Board and all my amazing colleagues from across the province that have so much passion and knowledge to share.
So onward and upward!