Going global is good for business
Students from International Pathways bring diverse and global perspectives to the workplace that can lead to an increase in revenue, innovation, and productivity. This Toolkit includes a curated package of resources, including best practices, tip sheets, and checklists, to help you discover how to access this untapped talent pool to fill work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities in your organization.

Get the Toolkit
This Toolkit includes six tools for diversity, supporting employers to attract, hire and onboard students from international pathways (SFIP).
Download the Toolkit
Read the report
This detailed report is provides further assistance to employers and hiring managers when working with students from international pathways (SFIP).
Download the ReportVideos to support the Toolkit
A 2-minute overview of the toolkit.
An in-depth walk-through of the Toolkit.
Students from International Pathways focused professional development event facilitated in December 2020.
Employer perspectives regarding Students from International Pathways.
Students from International Pathways perspectives regarding Work Integrated Learning