Bashara is a fourth-year Arts student majoring in Economics and minoring in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. She started her co-op journey with one term as a Talent Management Data Technician with the BC Public Service Agency, followed by two terms as an Economic Development Analyst with the BC Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology. It is this latter role for which Bashara was recognized as the 2019 UBC Arts Co-op Undergraduate Student of the Year. Bashara actively gives back to the co-op community, as a student member of the BC government’s Co-op Advisory Board, where she contributed ideas for improving the experience of co-op students in the provincial government. She is also currently Co-Chair of the flagship Mentorship Program with the Arts Co-op Students’ Association.
Bashara is the 2019 UBC Arts Co-op Undergraduate Student of the Year. She is a true ambassador of our program and her contributions to the co-op community are significant and far-reaching, particularly as Co-Chair of the flagship Mentorship Program with the Arts Co-op Students’ Association (ACSA). Her achievements with the BC Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology (JTT) far exceeded her employer’s expectations, and raised the bar for all co-op students going forward. She directly applied her multidisciplinary education in Economics and Computer Science to make a significant impact on a range of economic development programs. After starting in UBC’s Faculty of Engineering, Bashara transitioned into the Faculty of Arts to major in Economics, a competitive and rigorous program in UBC’s Vancouver School of Economics. In addition to a minor in Computer Science, she has maintained extra-curricular and significant co-op community commitments. Congratulations Bashara.