Jennie Nilsson has been an active ACE member and a positive contributor to Co-operative Education and work-integrated learning in the province since 2008. Jennie’s keen enthusiasm and dedication to volunteerism has been evident from the start when she, as a new member, volunteered to join the Professional Development Committee. Since then Jennie has continued to contribute to the Pro-D committee over the years and has been Co-chair of the committee since 2015. Over the past 12 years, Jennie has been involved in chairing ACE committees, planning conferences, participating on task forces, and leading initiatives. Along with working as a tireless volunteer on the Pro-D committee, Jennie has taken on leadership roles on the ACE-WIL BC Board as the Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island Regional Director. As an ACE-WIL BC Board member, Jennie provides thoughtful and clear insights to issues and concerns, seeing opportunities instead of challenges. Jennie’s hard work and commitment to the Association serves as an excellent role model for Co-op and WIL practitioners.

The ACE/WIL community has benefited from Jennie’s creativity, planning, and organizational skills for many events over the past 12 years. Jennie is the type of volunteer every organization wishes they had, she does not take on the extra work for accolades or promotion, rather to give back to the community she is part of. Her dedication and commitment to career learning and strengthening her skills and expertise are illustrated by this work and dedication to our organization.

Jennie makes significant contributions to ACE-WIL, and her commitment, hard work, energy and enthusiasm make her a great example of a truly engaged WIL practitioner. Jennie’s passion for enhancing the learning experiences of students and our ACE-WIL community with her innovative, collaborative and engaging approach to teaching and learning enable a stronger WIL community of practice among peers.

Congratulations Jennie and thank-you for your tireless commitment to Work Integrated Learning!