Students from International Pathways (SFIP) bring diverse and global perspectives to the workplace that can lead to an increase in revenue, innovation, and productivity. Do you want to equip your employer network with tools to support SFIP?

The ACE-WIL Research Committee is delighted to share a toolkit with six easy-to-use resources (i.e. checklists, tipsheets) that could help employers and WIL practitioners advance diversity and inclusion in WIL hiring.

The toolkit aims to:

  • Increase employers’ understanding of how to integrate D&I for SFIP in their workplace
  • Promote greater awareness and tools for navigating unconscious bias
  • Enhance intercultural awareness and competencies for recruiting, hiring and onboarding SFIP
  • Develop skills on how to better track success of SFIP initiatives

The toolkit can be accessed by clicking here.

If you wish to learn more about this project and related resources, please feel free to contact Andrea Sator ( or Karima Ramji (