Have a job posting to share with your ACE-WIL colleagues?
- President's Message
- Humans of ACE - Shannan Laing
- Reminder - Add your add projects and resources to Resource Hub
- ACE-WIL Fall Symposium series continues
- IMPACT 2020: WIL Student Story Feature - Lorisa Williams
President's Message
Greetings ACE-WIL Membership,
I’m excited that the time for our November Symposium is here! Thank you to all who presented and joined us for Day 1 and Day 2 of the symposium. It was a pleasure to have Professor El Chenier start us off with their keynote: “Radical Inclusion: How breathing, seeing, and listening changes everything.” I know that this helped me set an intention that I carried throughout the day and hope to continue to carry into all my work and relationships.
For those of you who weren't able to join us for the first symposium day, please know that all the sessions are being recorded and will be viewable on this symposium platform for 30 days. After that, all the recordings will be posted on the Resource Hub on the ACE-WIL website (More about the Resource Hub later in the newsletter).
Speaking of the website, we are looking for members who have skills and interests with web maintenance to join our amazing group of committee volunteers. If this sounds like you, please let me know (anna.jubilo@ubc.ca)!
I wanted to make sure to let you all know to be on the lookout for our updated Student of the Year Award Nomination form. The board has finalized this and will be sharing this with all of you soon by email.
Our finalized strategic plan is also almost ready to share with all of you. The board will be focusing on identifying priorities of work in this plan early in the New Year.
Looking forward to continued opportunities to share and learn with all of you. Please join us for our final Day (November 23) of our Fall Symposium!
Anna Jubilo (She/Her/Hers)
Humans of ACE:
Shannan Laing
Shannan is currently working as a Coordinator, Career Centre Programs (Co-op) at Douglas College and has enjoyed a rewarding and enriching career for 20+ years in the career development field in higher education after pivoting from recruitment and human resources. In the Spring of 2021, she joined ACE WIL as a volunteer with the membership committee. Read more ....
Add your Project and Resources to the new Resource Hub
As a showcase for the projects, resources, the great work of ACE-WIL, the BC WIL Council and post-secondary institutions across BC - the new ACE-WIL Resource Hub is now online at the ACE-WIL website: www.acewilbc.ca.
For Project leads: We’d like to add your Project to the Hub as soon as possible, even if it’s still in progress. Please reach out to Noshir Langrana (noshirlangrana@uvic.ca ) for the form and instructions on what to do. There’s even a video that explains the Hub, to help you conceptualize what you’d like to do to feature your Projects and the resources you’ve created.
Additions to the Resource Hub may take some time as the updates will be done by volunteers and WIL students who aren’t working full time on this, so don’t wait until your project is wrapping up and your extra resources are gone! Email Noshir today.
ACE-WIL Fall Symposium
It has been wonderful to see so many of our ACE-WIL colleagues back again to join us for the Fall Symposium to learn about more of the 66 Work-Integrated Learning initiatives funded by the province! We have had over 160 career educators and practitioners register to share
- Please join us for the Final Day on November 23, 2021
- Symposium presentations: 12 pm to 5 pm
Student Story Feature - Lorisa Williams
Every month, we are featuring one of the student stories from our student story inventory generated through IMPACT 2020: WIL Student Story Showcase.
Lorisa Williams is History & Indigenous studies student hired as a WIL intern to help spearhead the launch of a new initiative called the Collaboratorium. The Collaboratorium partners with local businesses and organizations to provide WIL internships. She has been instrumental in building the capacity for the Collaboratorium. She has sourced local organizations and developed relationships that will lead to ongoing sustainable WIL paid internships for future students. Lorisa has been able to incorporate her Indigenous ways of knowing to enrich the Collaboratorium’s projects. She has facilitated online workshops, developed community building outreach skills, created social media and communication plans, and supported several large public events. Her WIL supervisor recognized the high level of skills Lorisa has contributed to the community and the future growth of the Collaboratorium. Lorisa’s WIL experience is an excellent example for how skills gain through a Liberal Arts education transfer into a workplace context.
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